Dazzling constellations and magical night skies – see the best Milky Way photos

Dazzling constellations and magical night skies – see the best Milky Way photos

Every year, Capture the Altas – a photography, travel and adventure blog – shares the best photos of the Milky Way taken in the last 12 months. While astrophotography used to be an incredibly complex genre of photography, thanks to advances in camera technology it’s now easier than you might think to capture star-studded pictures of the night sky.

Of course, that doesn’t make it any less magical – and if you own one of the best DSLRs (opens in new tab) or best mirrorless cameras (opens in new tab) and best tripods (opens in new tab), you already have everything you need to start shooting the Milky Way. Some of the best cameras for astrophotography (opens in new tab)are specifically designed to shoot celestial events, but they are not essential to take a detailed picture of deep space.


Steve Liem

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