How Social Media Marketing Trends Might Change in 2022 / Digital Information World

How Social Media Marketing Trends Might Change in 2022 / Digital Information World
The economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic has created a situation wherein it has started to become exceedingly difficult for people to start looking into investing any reasonable amount of money into a business. While Covid is not nearly as bad as it used to be, the impact of the pandemic is still going to affect us well into the future, and pretty much every single industry will be changed because of it including digital marketing which has already undergone a bit of a transformation these past two years.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that digital marketing has been impacting by changing consumer behavior around the world. Facebook seems to be doing really well these days with just under 3 billion users despite the controversies that have hindered it this past year as well as in the years prior to this one.

While Facebook’s impact among younger demographics is not quite as high as it was during its glory days, it has been diversifying its offerings including improving ad performance and granting advertisers more tools that they can use to check on the performance of the various ads that they might have placed on the platform.

Facebook is also moving into VR which will factor into its advertising potential for digital marketers in 2022, since this appears to be the year when Facebook will finally kick things into high gear on the VR front. Facebook’s push into ecommerce is another thing that can reduce the impact of its controversies, since the massive user base that it has can make it a huge hub for ecommerce potentially making it big enough to compete with the likes of Amazon.

One aspect of Facebook’s ecommerce push that we feel is particularly important is live streaming. This is similar to the infomercials of days gone by, and digital marketers will have to capitalize on this in whatever way they can so that they can get the results that they are after. This type of marketing is becoming especially popular in China, which is one of the largest markets in the world and most digital marketers would want to focus quite heavily on it.

When it comes to Twitter, the addition of features like “super follow” have the potential to make it so that creators can earn extra revenue from their followers similar to what they would get from services such as Patreon. Another thing to note is that Twitter is dipping its toes into ecommerce as well, and the truly interesting thing about this is that Twitter is leaning into crypto by allowing transactions to be conducted using cryptocurrency rather than regular currency.

With Instagram, Facebook’s ecommerce play will be a factor here as well but perhaps even more so would be the company’s VR and AR tech. Marketing on Instagram can take advantage of AR integration by making it so that the ads that are created can be viewed through the special AR and VR glasses that Instagram’s parent company is currently working on and is hoping to get out on to the market as quickly as it can.

This brings us to Snapchat, a company that has doggedly refused to give in to its much larger competitors and has had an established presence in VR long before Facebook got into the game. NFTs will play a role in Snapchat as well, with many Snapchat users changing their profile pictures to digital artworks that they have purchased in NFT form.

All of these trends indicate a significant amount of technological advancement in the coming years, and this will factor into marketing needs in 2022 as well since the entire landscape appears to be changing.

How Social Media Marketing Trends Might Change in 2022 / Digital Information World

Graphic: RWD.

Read next: Infographic highlights 5 most important social media trends marketers should keep in mind in 2022

Steve Liem

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